Sunday, January 18, 2009

People Make Me Sad

I have come to realize that ignorance and idiocy run rampant in the human race. What other creature do you see that gets mass quantities of itself to kill itself? I will never understand violence let alone war. I suppose that is why I'm so adamant on trying to make a difference. I feel compelled to rally on with my brothers and sisters of peace. Take the action of walking on the streets crying out for my wounded families in the middle east, Africa, and every other place where harm is done unto ourselves. It appears to me that no one thinks that we are all related. We are all the same species, ergo we once came from the same mother, father. WE ARE each others long lost cousins. I call on this humanity that has long since been lost to rebirth itself! Let us once again be courteous and loving toward one another. Let us strive for that connection we lost with each other when the connection of computers was brought to these hands. These soft delicate hands that are now much to tender to massage the Earth into reproducing it's many wonders so that we may feed, so that we no longer hunger and so that we may GROW, TOGETHER, UNITED [we stand]. It is with this division that we are able to kill each other with out thinking twice of it. I hope, beyond any belief structure imaginable, that we realize that we are killing OUR children, mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles. I believe we need to be more loving, caring, and courteous but not just to be that way. WE must FULLY embrace it and do so with patience and complete awareness that we're doing so. We must genuinely feel these emotions. I feel so detached from my peers it almost makes me want to weep. How did we get so far as to no longer acknowledge one another on the street, as to be so distant that opening a door for another person [one you don't know] is frowned upon because it invites conversation? When did this happen? When will we open our eyes and see all the beautiful things about one another?

When will we just open our eyes and...
Smell the roses for a while and compliment one another. It never hurts to make a stranger smile. Imagine the miles that can be covered if you were just to go up to someone and say, "you make this world a more beautiful place." That right there isn't just a step forward it's a mile because that person will keep that chain of positive nature going until you reach someone too far gone to be saved by just ONE gesture. Let's try everyone, let's try and save ourselves from ourselves.

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