Many people wonder what love is, well let me tell you what I think love is. I think love is when you sit to hear from that ONE PERSON all day. When, as soon as you get online, you check to see if they are too and if not you try and write them something but fail because there is too much for you to say and you try not to think about them not being there because it hurts. I think love is the feeling you get when you look into that ONE PERSONs eyes and you melt, from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. I think love is waking up and knowing someone cares the MOST ABOUT YOU. Waking up and knowing someone is ONLY YOURS.
It is how your eyes glaze over when you daydream about how you want to be with them at that instant and always. It's knowing that you never want to be without them. Knowing that their hand is the only one you want to hold for the rest of your life. Their lips the only to be kissed forever. It's the feeling you get at the top of your throat when they just look amazing. It's being one, knowing what they're thinking and knowing how to put that to good use. It's being able to read their body language to know if they're sad, happy, wanting or lonely. It's knowing when they need a hug, a word of inspiration, a moment alone or a kiss. It's knowing them, as yourself and calling them "me." It's knowing that they are your better half, even though you're theirs. It's looking in eachothers eyes and seeing nothing but endless possibilities. It's talking about the future: family, children, what cars you'll drive. It's knowing that no matter what happens you'll always have eachother's hearts and the keys to unlock them.
To me that and he are LOVE.

To me that and he are LOVE.

all i can say is "i'm sorry, i hope it works out" and i know it's cliche, but that's the only thing i can be thinking